• Angel Gurria, framkvæmdastjóri OECD, forseti Íslands, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, framkvæmdastjóri UN Women, og Guy Ryder, framkvæmdastjóri ILO.
Fréttir | 26. sep. 2018


Forseti tekur þátt í pallborðsumræðum á fundi á vegum EPIC, Equal Pay International Coalition, í New York. Á þeim viðburði kynnti forseti þau áform ríkisstjórnar Íslands að eyða kynbundnum launamuni innan næstu fjögurra ára. Skuldbinding ríkisstjórnarinnar er svohljóðandi:

„The Icelandic government pledges to eliminate the gender pay gap by 2022 by implementing the Law on the Equal Pay Certification. While the law applies to over 80% of all employees, Iceland will encourage all other entities to voluntary obtain Equal Pay Certification by end of year 2022 as to demonstrate their commitment towards a socially responsible approach to equality.

Iceland also pledges to conduct research on the direct impact of the law on equal pay for work of equal value, as well as its impact on different aspects of workplace culture and conditions. These include gender stereotypes and sexism, work satisfaction and promotion prospects. This also refers to the law’s potential to correct the negative implications of the gender segregated labour market for women and eliminate discrimination based on other factors than gender, such as ethnic background.“

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